Why yes, it is that time of year when perhaps you are contemplating purchasing items for others. Conveniently, I have some items that you might consider purchasing:
- Flytrap minicomics set — Includes “Juggling Act,” “Deep, Too,” “Over the Wall,” and “Performance Anxiety.”
- YA minicomics set — Includes “Me and Edith Head,” “Click,” and “Einbahnstrasse Waltz.”
- Both sets are available via the Periscope Studio Etsy store which has many other fine items on offer as well. If you’d like me to sign them, just note it in your order!
And if you prefer words without pictures, there are novels:
- The Rules for Hearts. Now in a Kindle edition!
- Empress of the World. Also in downloadable audio!
That’s me, folks: available in a variety of formats.
I now return us to our irregularly scheduled blog. Here is a street art photo: