Photos/ Portland

A Walk in the Park

No, really. An actual walk in an actual park.

I, um, don’t spend a lot of time outside typically. So today I met up with my friend Deborah in an attempt to partially remedy that.

Through the trees
Outside can be awfully pretty.

Yes, that is a giant acupuncture needle.
And because we are in Portland, sometimes it includes giant acupuncture needles.

Mountains, terrier
Tuley investigated the painted pillar with interest, but failed to obey its recommendation to chill.

Stencil art foliageStencil art deer

Think I’ve seen both these stencils on other walls, and possibly also on t-shirts.

At the base of a tree on Mount Tabor
Clearly an offering, but we weren’t sure to what or whom.

Stolen babies on board
Perhaps an attempt to propitiate the owners of this vehicle?

Shiny purple egg
Spotted something shiny. What’s inside, we wondered?

+1 glamour
+ 1 glamour, of course!

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