Appearances/ Portland

Book awards photos, as promised

Thanks, everyone, for all your lovely congratulatory messages! Here are a couple of photos from the reception after the Oregon Book Awards, at the Portland Art Museum.

Linda Zuckerman and Sara Ryan at Oregon Book Awards 2008
Linda Zuckerman and I have just been busted by a security guard for attempting to pose while, ahem, making contact with the statue behind us. Hence the slightly sheepish quality of our smiles.

Sara Ryan signs The Rules for Hearts at Oregon Book Awards 2008
What can I say? The art was inspiring.

Thanks to DawnOfTheRead for taking the photos and being generally awesome.

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  • Dawn
    November 13, 2008 at 7:58 am

    Any time!

  • sara z.
    November 13, 2008 at 8:54 am

    You look radiant. Plus, happy birthday!