…to say that I have JUST IMPLEMENTED one of the ideas from MotherReader‘s excellent session at KidLit 08: make it easy for readers to find your main site. (Kudos to the organizers for making sure there was free wifi!!)
Those of you who read me on LiveJournal know that for many years, I have had the possibly amusing but entirely non-intuitive username of “thisisnotanlj.” Well, folks, those days are gone, and now, LJ friends, I am ryansara. Yes, yes, I know it’s backwards, but at least it is a username that includes both of my actual names!
Bridget Zinn
September 28, 2008 at 11:16 amSara,
I’m so impressed that you not only already implemented a change from the conference, but blogged about it!
It was a super fun conference, but I think I’m going to need at least one day to recover.
September 28, 2008 at 3:05 pmHey Bridget — Nice to see you at the conference! I give all credit to the free wifi for yesterday’s post. As for today’s, posting is a way for me to recover/process…