And as of a few hours ago, Lilly is home. Her owner lives more than a hundred blocks from where we found her. We got the phone number from her microchip.
Lilly had been missing for three weeks. As soon as we found out where she lived, we drove her there.
A little ways away from her owner’s place, we saw this:
Lilly is the fourth animal I’ve helped to reunite with an owner.
Oh, and we didn’t take the reward.
August 20, 2006 at 12:02 amyou are a hero! A HERO!
August 20, 2006 at 12:02 amHow wonderful. Yay Lilly.
August 20, 2006 at 12:33 amOn a micro level, this world isn’t that bad. Yay to your kindness :D
August 20, 2006 at 12:49 amI knew you guys were good people. Apparently, so did Lilly. Good thing she found you!
August 20, 2006 at 4:35 amYay!
But what’s with all the missing cats?
August 20, 2006 at 5:00 amyou are the definition of a good samaritan.
but maybe you need a new pet?
August 20, 2006 at 7:24 amDude, cats keep happening to you.
It is a Sign.
August 20, 2006 at 10:48 amI’m glad she got home safely~ ^-^
August 20, 2006 at 10:55 am(i love your icon.)
missing cats:
i don’t know. but the four animals are “throughout my life thus far,” not, like, all within the last year, thank god. a cat, a dog, another dog, and now lilly.
August 20, 2006 at 10:55 amthis is indeed under discussion.
apparently the oregon humane society has a kitten interview room, which i find hilarious and heartbreaking to contemplate…
August 20, 2006 at 11:05 amYay for you! She looked like a Lily…
August 20, 2006 at 11:47 amyou: so, what are your qualifications to be my pet?
random kitten: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
August 20, 2006 at 1:04 pmawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
August 20, 2006 at 2:06 pmThis will be a comic when I get back from errandry.
August 20, 2006 at 10:59 pmYay! That was so kind of you.
August 20, 2006 at 11:01 pmOne hundred blocks! That’s one globe-trekkin’ kitty. Glad you could get Lilly home to a loving owner.
August 22, 2006 at 7:28 pmYou must feel great. Another family reunited. A job well done.
August 29, 2006 at 8:37 amI am selfishly relieved…this means me and the boy can hopefully stay at your place when we come to visit Portland! ;)